Aim & Scope
The Ulutas Medical Journal (ULUTAS MED J) is a periodical peer-reviewed international journal and is published quarterly (March, June, September, December) four times a year. The journal includes experimental and clinical research articles, case reports, and invited review articles on medical sciences (basic medicine, internal medicine and surgical medicine). All publications in our journal are described and published according to the link of "instructions for authors," following all the international scientific publication standards and criteria of COPE and TUBITAK. Instructions to authors comply with the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication” (, updated in April 2010). Critical evaluation of the research paper is a prime focus of each member of The Ulutas Medical Journal Reviewer Panel for identifying Plagiarism.
Before submitting a manuscript, please carefully read and adhere to all guide instructions given on the Manuscript Submission.
SCOPE & INDEXING: Index Copernicus, ISI Index, CiteFactor, Google Scholar, SCOPEMED, CrossRef (DOI), TURK MEDLINE, SOBIAD Index, ULAKBIM (Under Consideration), Türkiye ATIF Dizini
PEER-REVIEW: The journal editorial board members decide to accept or reject papers according to the Double-Blind peer review reports and the novelty of the research.
PLAGIARISM CHECKING: Critical evaluation of the research paper is a prime focus of each member of The Ulutas Medical Journal (UMJ) Reviewer Panel for identifying Plagiarism. It is conducted by an international software: iThenticate Program.
PUBLISHING FEE/CHARGE: The authors DO NOT pay a fee/charge (APC) to publish an article. For details, please check: Instructions for Authors.